Categories: Geral

Lisbon, Portugal: useful information and maps

After I shared with you my Lisbon, Portugal travel guide, here’s some useful information and maps if you’re planning to visit that charming city.

  • Useful information

Well, Lisbon is in Portugal, in Europe. The local language is Portuguese and the currency is euro.

Lisbon time zone is  UTC/GMT, plus 1h during summertime (from March to October every year).

The country code for phone calls is 351 to Portugal  and the city code is 21 to Lisbon. To make long distance calls from there, you have to type 00 + country code + city code + phone number.

Stores openning hours are, usually, from 9h to 13h and from 15h to 19h during the week. Some places are open at noon too. Restaurants usually close around 22h.

The local weather is mild. The temperature average is 17,1ºC from January to March; 21,8ºC from April to June; 26,3ºC from July to September and 17,2ºC from October to December.

Lisbon’s offical website is and it has a page with all emergency phone numbers in town (like the police, hospitals etc.) and another one withh all the information on transportation, informing prices, path simulators and maps.

  • Main attractions and maps

Visit Lisboa website ( offers a very interesting travel planner where you can search for destinations and plan your desired attractions itinerary.

Here, at this blog, there a Lisbon, Portugal travel guidefull of tips and ideas of places to go that I loved to visit. TripAdvisor’s also has a nice ranking of the city’s main attractions.

In this high resolution map from Mundo City you can see all of Lisbon’s neighborhoods and the mais touristic attractions.

This PDF is a map of Lisbon’s public transportation system. It has subways, trains, buses and electric buses and boats – you can use the system to go almost everywhere!


Cíntia Costa

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