The week has started and here are the most interesting things I’ve seen online!
If you’re learning French, here’s a funny Buzzfeed list with hilarious French expressions translated literally (muito engraçadas!)
If you love parties as much as I do, here are some cake ideas for a baby shower and a tutorial on how to decorate cakes with wafers and M&Ms.
Great article (in Portuguese) from Think Olga about women traveling alone. I’ve traveled alone many times and I agree with the author when she says that we need to be safe, of course, but fear can’t win this fight and stop us from traveling.
A magnificent illustrated guide on the difference of empowerment and sexual objetification. The secret lies in the question: who’s got the power?
Which brings me to this news on restaurant owners demanding waitresses to dress sexy. As a friend said: if a woman wants do dress sexy to work, no problem with that, but no woman should be made to sexualize her image by her boss.
Para mais praticidade na hora do mercado, confira esta lista de compras para ceia de…
Inspire-se com estes modelos de bolo Game of Thrones com topo de trono de ferro,…
Confira ideias do que servir no Natal, passando por entradas, pratos principais, acompanhamentos e sobremesas!
Seja para presentear ou para entrar no clima das comidas natalinas, confira esta seleção de…
Aproveite a maquiagem que você normalmente tem em casa e faça um look cadavérico com…
Receita prática e versátil, o creme de frango com espinafre sem lactose pode ser recheio…
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