Categories: EnglishFeminism

A Girl Thing: help a book to empower young girls become a reality!

If you believe that there’s no such a thing as a girl thing (or a boy thing either), that all kids should be able to pick whatever toys and activities they want based on what whether they like it or not, and not based on their gender, that boys and girls should get the same treatment and opportunities and that girls can be whatever they want, be it a ballerina or an engineering, than you’re gonna like this project.

Dear friend and illustrator Pri Ferrari is producing a children’s book called Coisa de Menina (A Girl Thing, in Portuguese). It’s a color book with beautiful drawings that explore various possibilities of things that girls can do and be, now and in the future, to read to young girls and boys and teach them about equality at an early age.

Here’s the book’s crowdfunding project link and you can donate from as little as 10 Brazilian Reals (less than 3 Dollars). The goal is to reach 17.500 Brazilian Reals (around 5.000 Dollars).

At this stage, the plan is to publish the book only in Portuguese, to be launched locally in Brazil, so my foreign English speaking friends may not be directly benefited by it. But here’s a way of looking at it: by donating, you will be concretely helping to empower young girls in a developing country with a very sexist society and that’s a big thing.

I hope you help this book become reality! Click on the image bellow to go to the donations page!

Cíntia Costa

Published by
Cíntia Costa

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