Categories: EnglishExpatsGeneva

Goodbye, Switzerland!

After almost two years, the time has come to say au revoir to Geneva and Switzerland.

It’s been a time of many challenges and discoveries. I met new people, learned French, discoveries very interesting dishes and saw different landscapes.

I found out what it’s like to live in a small town, with powerful organizations, a medieval city center and a magnificent lake to swim, sail and observe.

I’ve experienced the local habits, like punctuality and sober manners, and also the habits of other countries, through trips around Europe and by living among international friends.

I stepped way out of my comfort zone and faced countless difficulties in a foreign country, immersed in a language and a bureaucracy that were strangers to me. I’ve been through times of loneliness and displacement and, then, I learned more about myself and what I’m capable of.

I say my goodbyes with a broken heart for all that I leave behind, yet with my heart full of hope for whatever is to come.

I go back different, and thankful for all the changes I’ve been through for moving here (except for the moving itself, which is always a pain in the ass).

Brazil, brace yourself: I’m coming to you!

Photo: from my Instagram.

Cíntia Costa

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  • I will so much miss you !!!

    Je suis heureuse d'avoir fait ta connaissance et regrette de m'être dit "nous avons le temps", j'aurais dû profiter pour plus te voir.

    Tu es magnifique et je te souhaite tellement de réussite et de bonheur.


Published by
Cíntia Costa

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