Best running shoes for women (and some walking shoes as well)

I take my running shoes and walking shoes seriously. My feet are sensitive and can get injured very easily. So I’m always looking for shoes that are functional as well as comfortable. Oh, and they have to be gorgeous because that’s just me :p. I’ve spent hours at the women section at stores looking for the right running and walking shoes for me, so there they are.

Running shoes

Best running shoes for women with severe overpronation: Asics Gel Kayano 22.

I have two pairs of running shoes. The newest one (and my favorite) is a pair of Asics Gel Kayano 22. I took a foot type test at their store (they caught my running in tape as I ran a little on a threadmill and used a software to analyse it) and found out I present severe overpronation. My doctor later confirmed that my latest injuries are a result of that.

Asics Gel Kayano 22 is said to be specially indicated for feet like mine. There’s this rigid part on the middle of the outsole that helps prevent pronation and gives stability. There’s an internal arch support inside, which feels too rigid at first, but becomes very helpful and comfortable once I’m running. It’s a rather rigid shoe, not very comfortable when I’m taking slow walks or when I have to stand up too long, but it’s perfect for running an taking fast walks. At the end, my feet don’t hurting and the flexible fabric upper feels comfortable even when my feet are swollen. I found them to be very expensive, but it was a good investment.

Prettiest running shoes for women: Nike Lunarglide 5.

My other running shoes are a pair of Nike Lunarglide 5. It’s older (I’ve had them for over a year now) and it’s the prettiest. I fell in love with this animal print and those colors, it’s a very beautiful and unique design. It’s sole is firm and absorbs impact very well. Although the upper is made of flexible mesh material, it feels too tight in the last half of the run, when my feet get swollen. It’s my spare pair of running shoes, as I like to rotate through different pairs to prevent injuries. I bought them in an outlet (every time I visit a shopping outlet, I check out Nike stores for come ups!) and I’d say they’re mid-priced shoes. Nowadays, this model is a bit outdated and should be cheaper if you find them.

Walking shoes

The most comfortable walking shoes: Skechers GoWalk 3.

Skechers GoWalk are the most comfortable walking shoes on earth. Period. I discovered them when I was living in Europe and fell in love. The are ultra light and have the softest cushioning and sole I ever tried. I can walk for hours and my feet won’t hurt. They’re my official traveling shoes, for when I spend the day walking around cities. 10km, 12km and no pain. I also love to wear them at occasions when I have to stand up for long periods.

On the other hand, these shoes aren’t fit for running. They don’t absorb impact very well – I regret having tried to run using them… not only my foot soles suffered, but my knees also hurt the next day. Skechers has another line of shoes for running, but the GoWalk line is the one I love.

The downside of them being so soft is a short durability. Still, the benefit–cost ratio is fantastic.

Short durability but extreme comfort: Skechers GoWalk.

My first GoWalk was this bright-pink in the photo. Since I used it intensively (many days a week, not only exercising, but on my day-by-day as well), it got trashed in less than a year. The upper has holes in it, the sole is deformed due to my severe overpronation and the cushioning flattened. I’m only posting the picture so that you can see how it looks like in the end. But then, I bought a new one, a GoWalk 3. As soon as that one is gone, I’ll by another pair. I intend to have one active pair of GoWalks at all times from now on!

How about you? What are your favorite shoes for running and walking?

Cíntia Costa

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