We were so young when we met each other. We were at a quincenada, she was new on...
Hello, I’m your limit
It’s been an ongoing exercise at therapy for me to learn and respect my limits. I was brought...
Wanting should be enough
A dear friend told me that, once, she was walking down a street market with her husband and...
Happy birthday to me!
The time has come: today, it’s my 30th birthday. That’s a pretty iconic date. A turning point. Specially...
Happy birthday, mom!
Today is my mom’s birthday. It there’s one thing I’m really grateful in this life is having Ms....
9 feelings you face when you divorce
I’ve started watching Grace and Frankie and I’ve already cried and laughed a thousand times. The series, that...

In five years
Where do you see yourself in five years? We hear these kind of things at job interviews, but...
Come again?
We say things, we write them down, we suggest, we yell, but, holy fuck, what a difficult task...
I’m so tired. I haven’t been sleeping enough, I’ve been eating all wrong, arguing way too much and...

Keep walking
I’ve been growing my hair, not knowing exactly what I expect it to look like. I don’t really...

I woke up early, even before my alarm clock go off. The morning light came in through my...
The day I cried over football
I woke up feeling bad today. The bitter taste of yesterday’s defeat was still in my mouth. Then,...